Using Microsoft Excel to Create
Timing Devices and Calculators for:
Time Management, and other Applications
by David Alderoty © 2012
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This webpage describes material I created in the summer of 2012, involving eight websites, and OVER 55 software-based timing devices. Many of these devices are useful for time management, and some of the websites contain information and strategies for managing time.
The timing devices were created with Microsoft Excel, and most of them were electronically reproduce in a JavaScript format, for online functionality. The timing devices can be obtained free of charge from the eight websites, or from the download links on this webpage. (The download links and detailed descriptions of the software are presented below the following list.)
Website-1, Has Over 30 Software-Based Timing Devices Created for Demonstration and Educational Purposes:
Website-2, Provides Five Software-Based Clocks in the Excel and JavaScript Format, for Local and International Time:
Website-3, Provides Five Software-Based Elapsed-Timers, That Are Suitable for Practical Use:
Website-4, Provides Six Devices Created with Microsoft Excel for Scheduling and Planning Projects or Daily Activities:
Website-5, Provides Seven Calculation Devices for Budgeting Time, in the Spreadsheet and JavaScript Format:
Website-6, Has a Clock That Displays Time, Date, and Some Unusual Time Measurements Based on Percent of Day:
Website-7, Provides Eight Elapsed Timers, Created for Demonstration and Experimental Purposes, in the Excel and JavaScript Format:
Website-8, Provides Information on Time Management, and Links to Websites and Videos Created by OTHER Authors, for Additional information and Alternative Points of View:
Website-1) Has Over 30 Software-Based Timing Devices
Created for Demonstration and Educational Purposes
TITLE: Timing-Devices-Created-with-Spreadsheet-Software
1) DESCRIPTION: Website-1 provides 30 software-based devices that measure time in one form or another. This includes, clocks, clocks for multiple time zones, elapsed timers, project planners that calculate a series of dates, etc. This includes a number of simple devices that I created to demonstrate the way Microsoft Excel's formatting code affects the display of dates and time. These timing devices are primarily for demonstration and educational purposes, because they are on a single graphic interface. However, most of these timing devices are available on the websites presented below, in a format that is suitable for practical use.
Download links for website-1
Website-2) Software-Based Clocks in the Excel and
JavaScript Format, For Local and International Time
TITLE: Clocks Created with Spreadsheet Software
2) DESCRIPTION: Website-2 provides various types of digital clocks in the Microsoft Excel and JavaScript format. This includes clocks: for local time, for time and date, for time zones outside of the users locality, such as a foreign country, and clocks for multiple time zones. Some of these clocks are simple, and some are relatively complex, especially the device for multiple time zones.
The Clock for Multiple Time Zones is a system of nine clocks. One of the clocks is set to Greenwich Mean Time, which controls all of the clocks in the system. With this design concept the software can keep track of up to eight time zones simultaneously.
Download Links For Website-2
Left click on these words to download a zipped folder with the Excel versions of the clocks
Left click on these words to download a zipped folder with eight JavaScript clocks,
A Clock for Local Time and Date
ADJUSTABLE Date and Time Clock, for a time zone outside of your locality
A Clock for Multiple Localities with Multiple Time Zones
All of the above in a single JavaScript device
Website-3) Provides Software-Based Elapsed-Timers
In the Spreadsheet and Javascript Format
TITLE: Elapsed-Timers Created with Spreadsheet Software
3) DESCRIPTION: Website-3 provides software-based Elapsed-Timers in the Excel and JavaScript format. These devices measure elapsed time with one or more of the following: hours, minutes, and/or seconds.
Download Links For Website-3
Left click on these words to download a zipped folder with the Excel versions of the Elapsed-Timers
1-Elapsed Timer for Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
2-Elapsed Timer for Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
3-Elapsed Timer for Hours, and Fractions of an Hour
4-Elapsed Timer for Minutes, and Fractions of a Minute
5-Elapsed Timer for Seconds, and Fractions of a Second
Website-4) This Website Provides Six Devices for
Scheduling and Planning Projects or Daily Activities
TITLE: Project Timers, Planners,-and-Calendars
Created with Spreadsheet Software
4) DESCRIPTION: Website-4 provides information on time management in relation to planning projects and goals, along with six software-based devices for scheduling and planning projects or daily activities. Five of the devices are available in Excel and JavaScript, and the largest device, is a one-year project calendar planner, which is available only in the Excel format. Some of these devices are very useful, especially the one-year device mentioned above. This device has controls to set projects ranging from one day to one year.
Download Links For Website-4
The five devices presented below, will open directly in your web browser, when you left click on the link.
1) JavaScript Countdown Timer for the Number of Days Remaining to Complete a Project
2) Countdown Timer in Percentages & Days Remaining to Complete a Project
3) JavaScript A Planner-Calendar for a 14 Day Project
4) JavaScript A Planner-Calendar for a 14 Day Project, with Percentage Calculations
5) JavaScript A Planner-Calendar for a 28-Day Project, with Percentage Calculations
Website-5) Provides Seven Calculation Devices for
Budgeting Time, in the Excel and JavaScript Format
TITLE: Calculation Devices for Budgeting Time
Created with Spreadsheet Software
5) DESCRIPTION: Website-5 provides seven calculation devices for budgeting time, and it explains the concept of budgeting time, in a way that is similar to the way we budget money. The calculation devices on this website add up the estimated time required to complete a number of tasks associated with a goal or project. Some of these devices function similar to the way a spreadsheet functions for budgeting money.
Download Links From Website-5
1) This is a simple calculator for adding up time, in minutes and hours.
Website-6) Clock That Displays Time, Date, and
Some Unusual Time Measurements Based on Percent of Day
TITLE: Online Percentage Clock for Time and Date
6) DESCRIPTION: Website-6 is a JavaScript clock that displays the time and date, as well as the following: the PERCENT OF THE DAY THAT IS GONE, the PERCENT OF THE DAY THAT REMAINS, the NUMBER OF HOURS AND MINUTES THAT are gone from the day, and the NUMBER OF HOURS AND MINUTES REMAINING before the end of the day. The screenshot below, is a good example of the readout provided by this clock
Download Links From Website-6
If you want a printer friendly JavaScript version of the clock left click on these words
Website-7 Provides Eight Elapsed Timers, Created
For Demonstration and Experimental Purposes,
TITLE: Experimental-Elapsed-Timers
Created with Microsoft Excel
7) DESCRIPTION: Website-7 has eight timing devices that measure elapsed time, as soon as the user enters a start date and start time. The date is typed in, and the time is entered with pull-down menus. I consider most of these timing devices experimental (or created for demonstration purposes), except for devices 7 and 8, because the units that they measure time with are extremely small, and most computers probably cannot provide the required level of precision. Devices 7 and 8 used more practical units, consisting of days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Device 1 is especially interesting because it has 16 displays, and it uses time units ranging from days to attoseconds. An attosecond is one quintillionth of a second.
(1 second = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 attoseconds)
The eight timing devices automatically become countdown timers if a start time is entered that is in the future. When time zero is reached they automatically become elapsed timers. The countdown time is displayed with a negative sign on all of the devices, except for device 7. Device 7 uses words to indicate countdown time.
Note each of the eight elapsed timers has detailed instructions on the top section, and to see the time display, it is necessary to scroll down.
Download Links From Website-7
Note, the following contains additional information about the software, including some of the spreadsheet formulas that were used to create these timing devices.
DEVICE 1: Experimental Elapsed Timer for Multiple Units If you want to download device 1 left click on these words. This software-based elapsed timer measures and displays time, with a number of units (simultaneously) including: days, hours, minutes, seconds, deciseconds, centiseconds, milliseconds, microseconds, shakes, nanoseconds, picoseconds, femtoseconds, and attoseconds. This software has a separate display for each of the units mentioned above. This device was created primarily to demonstrate the display in measurement of the units of time mentioned above.
MORE INFORMATION ON DEVICE 1) Device 1 has 16 displays. Each of the displays has a formula that calculates the elapsed time and/or countdown time. These formulas are listed below. I created these formulas, to function in Microsoft Excel, and they are somewhat unconventional in structure. The formulas will not function in a conventional Excel spreadsheet, because they are dependent on other formulas, input boxes, and pull-down menus. In the following formulas the function, NOW() represents the current date and time, and -$D$41 represent the start time and start date entered by the user.
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41), D)&" DAYS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24, D)&" HOURS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60, D)&" MINUTES"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60, D)&" SECONDS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*10, D)&" DECISECONDS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*100, D)&" CENTISECONDS "
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000, D)&" MILLISECONDS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000000, D)&" MICROSECONDS "
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*100000000, D)&" SHAKES"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000000000, D)&" NANOSECONDS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000000000000, D)&" PICOSECONDS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000000000000000, D)&" FEMTOSECONDS"
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000000000000000000, D)&" ATTOSECONDS"
The following three formulas are also in device 1. These formulas are based on cells that were renamed as: DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, and SECONDS. In these renamed cells, the elapsed time or countdown time is separated into days, hours, minutes, and seconds. This is carried out with a number of other formulas that are not shown.
=Days&" Days, "&Hours&" Hours, "&Minutes&" Minutes"
=Days&" Days, "&Hours&" Hours, "&Minutes&" Minutes, and Seconds "&ROUNDDOWN(Seconds, 0)
=Days&" Days, "&Hours&" Hours, "&Minutes&" Minutes, and Seconds "&ROUNDDOWN(Seconds, RD)
DEVICE 2: Experimental Elapsed Timer for Seconds and Fractions of a Second. If you want to download device 2 left click on these words. This elapsed timer measures time in seconds, and fractions of a second. The formula used to display the elapsed time or countdown time is presented below in red type:
=ROUND((NOW()-D39)*24*60*60, D)&" SECONDS"
DEVICE 3: Experimental Elapsed Timer for Milliseconds and Fractions of a Millisecond If you want to download device 3 left click on these words. This elapsed timer measures time in milliseconds, and fractions of a millisecond. A millisecond is 1000th of a second. The formula used to display the elapsed time or countdown time is presented below in red type:
=ROUND((NOW()-D39)*24*60*60*1000, D)&" MILLISECONDS"
DEVICE 4: Experimental Elapsed Timer for Microseconds and Fractions of a Microsecond. If you want to download device 4 left click on these words. This elapsed timer measures time in microseconds, and fractions of a microsecond. A microsecond is one millionth of a second. The formula used to display the elapsed time or countdown time is presented below in red type:
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$39)*24*60*60*1000000, D)&" MICROSECONDS "
DEVICE 5: Experimental Elapsed Timer for Nanoseconds. If you want to download device 5 left click on these words. This elapsed timer measures and displays time in nanoseconds, which is 1 billionth of a second. The formula used to display the elapsed time or countdown time is presented below in red type:
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$41)*24*60*60*1000000000, D)&" NANOSECONDS"
DEVICE 6 Experimental Elapsed Timer for Picoseconds. If you want to download device 6 left click on these words. This elapsed timer measures time in picoseconds, which is one trillionth of a second. The formula used to display the elapsed time or countdown time is presented below in red type:
=ROUND((NOW()-$D$39)*24*60*60*1000000000000, D)&" PICOSECONDS"
DEVICE 7: Elapsed Timer and Countdown Timer Measures Time in Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds If you want to download device 7 left click on these words. Unlike the timing devices presented above; this software is a practical timing device, and it measures time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. This device becomes a COUNTDOWN timer, if you enter a start time that is in the future, in the same way as the other devices presented above. However, this device uses words to indicate elapsed time and countdown time, which are: The elapsed time is displayed below, and THE COUNTDOWN TIME IS DISPLAYED BELOW.
Device 7 uses two formulas to display the elapsed time or countdown time, which are presented below in red type:
=ROUND(D40,0)&" day, "
=IF($C$35>NOW(), C25, (NOW()-$C$35))
DEVICE 8 is a Practical Device Similar to the Above. If you want to download device 8 left click on these words This software-based elapsed timer measures and displays time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds and fractions of a second. It is similar to device 7, but it functions on a somewhat different principle, with a special set of formulas I devised. These formulas separate the elapsed time, or countdown time, into days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The formulas are in separate cells which are named: Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. The countdown time is presented with negative numbers. This concept eliminates the need to use Excel's formatting code for time, which cannot handle negative numbers. The formula in the display is written in terms of the cell names, which are Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. This formula is presented below in red type:
=Days&" Days, "&Hours&" Hours, "&Minutes&" Minutes, and Seconds "&ROUNDDOWN(Seconds, RD)
Website-8 Provides Information on Time Management,
And Links to Websites and Videos Created by OTHER Authors,
For Additional information and Alternative Points of View
TITLE: Time-Management
8) DESCRIPTION: Website-8 has three sections: In SECTION-1 the author presents some of his ideas and views on time management. SECTION 2, contains a number of Internet links to material created by OTHER authors, which includes: websites, videos, and PDF documents. This provides additional information, and a diverse set of views on time management strategies. SECTION 3, provides links to the websites, and software created by the author (David Alderoty). All of the links in SECTION 3 are also on the webpage you are now reading.
Saving Settings and Data You Entered In
The Excel and Javascript Devices
After entering settings or data in any of the software devices presented above, you must remember to save the software, in much the same way you save a conventional document with text. The software devices that are in the Microsoft Excel format are saved differently than the JavaScript versions. This is explained below, starting with the Excel versions.
HOW TO SAVE THE EXCEL VERSIONS: You can save the Excel versions, in the conventional way that you save an Excel spreadsheet. However, the easiest way to save the Excel versions is to press the s key WHILE HOLDING DOWN THE CTRL KEY.
HOW TO SAVE THE JAVASCRIPT VERSIONS: You can only save settings and data in JavaScript versions of the software if you open it with the *Firefox web browser. To save the entered data and settings, with Firefox, press the s key WHILE HOLDING DOWN THE CTRL KEY. When this is done, a dialog box opens, from the Firefox web browser. The dialog box will point to a specific file location on your computer, such as your document section, or desktop. Note the file location, or change it to the location you prefer, and then click on the save button on the Firefox dialog box.
*NOTE: The JavaScript format is primarily created for viewing software on the Internet, with a web browser. The only web browser that I know of that allows you to save data or settings in JavaScript software is Firefox. However, if you use Firefox, the JavaScript versions, will function just as well as the Excel versions directly off your computer, without the Internet. You can obtain the Firefox web browser free of charge from the following website:
Timing Devices Created With Spreadsheet Software
Provide Time Readouts, Based on the Time the Software
Was Opened, or The Time Data Was Last Entered or Deleted
It is important to understand that timing devices that were created with Microsoft Excel, or similar spreadsheet software, must be updated to obtain the correct time and date. For example, if a timing device created with spreadsheet software is opened on your computer on August 23, 2012, at 4:26 PM, it will indicate the above time and date. This date and time will not change, even if you leave the software opened on your computer for a week, unless you update it. You can update the spreadsheet versions either by entering or deleting numbers, and clicking with the mouse, or by opening and closing the software. When a JavaScript timing device is created with spreadsheet software, the exact same concept applies. That is the software will not register any changes in date or time unless it is updated as indicated above. However, with the JavaScript versions, I often provide an update button, which the user can press to update the date and time.
All of the above usually does not result in any practical problems, because most people frequently open and close software, and/or enter or delete data, which automatically updates the time and date. When this is a problem, alternative timing software should be used.
The Spreadsheet and JavaScript Timing Devices
Access The Time and Date on Your Computer's Clock
The date and time displayed on the timing devices created with spreadsheet software, including JavaScript versions, access the date and time on your computer's clock. Thus, if the time and date on your computer is incorrect, the date and time on the spreadsheet and JavaScript software will also be incorrect. If the timing mechanism on your computer malfunctions, this will also be reflected in the time and date displayed by the software.