Calculation software and databases, created with Microsoft Excel

by David Alderoty © 2012


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This website describes the SOFTWARE and DATABASES I created with Microsoft Excel, in the summer of 2012.  The software is in the JavaScript and Microsoft Excel format, and it is on TEN websites, which are linked to this webpage.  The software I created with Excel is UNLIKE conventional spreadsheets, and many of these devices function over the Internet, in conventional web browsers, and they perform sets of mathematical calculation simultaneously, such as the following: 1) Algebra with Hyperbolic Functions,  2)Calculus with Hyperbolic Integrals,  3)Calculus with Triple Integrals, 4) Trigonometry.  and 5) Databases with Calculation Mechanisms, such as for counting the number of entries in the database, and for statistical calculations.

            This software can be obtained free of charge from the following ten websites, or from the download links on this webpage.  (The download links and detailed descriptions of the software are presented below the list of websites.)


Website-1) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial For Integrals with the Hyperbolic Sine snd Cosine:


Website-2) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial For Integrals with the Hyperbolic Tangent And Cotangent:


Website-3) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial For Integrals with the Hyperbolic Secant and Cosecant:


Website-4) A Calculation Device for Hyperbolic-Functions:


Website-5) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial for Triple Integrals


Website-6) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Tutorial for Solving Algebraic Equations that have Hyperbolic Functions


Website-7) A Calculation Device That Calculates The Average, and a Few Other Statistical Calculations


Website-8) Databases with Calculation Devices:


Website-9) A Multiple Calculation Device with A Semi-Random Number Generator:


Website-10) Simplified Discussion, on How Microsoft Excel Can Be Used As A Programming Language:




Website-1) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial

For Integrals with the Hyperbolic Sine snd Cosine


A Software-Based Tutorial On Calculus,

With The Hyperbolic Functions Sinh And Cosh


If you want a printer friendly JavaScript version

of the software left click on this link


Left click here to download (Excel versions) in a zipped folder

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


1) DESCRIPTION: The calculation device on Website-1 is designed to function as a tutorial, for students to practice solving integrals, with the hyperbolic sine and cosine(sinh and cosh).  The calculation device-tutorial functions as soon as the user enters two numbers, in two white input boxes, on the top of the calculation device.  When this is done, the software generates, ten integral problems involving hyperbolic functions, with the numbers the user entered.  The calculated results for each problem are only revealed after the student attempts to solve the problem, by entering the numbers he or she calculated, into the input box of the problem in question.  If the student entered the correct answer, a message in green type is displayed.  If the student entered an incorrect answer, the software displays an error message in red type.  

            This software also has a device that keeps track of the number of correct calculations the student entered in the tutorial.  There are 10 problems generated by the software, and for each correct calculation entered by the student, the counting device displays 10%

            This software has another interesting feature, which allows the user to control the number of decimal places used in the calculations.  Specifically, on the upper section of the software, there is a white input box, and related text that indicate how many decimal places are going to be used for the calculations.  The users can change these settings, by deleting the number in the input box, and entering a number that represents the number of decimal places they prefer.

            On the very bottom of the software, there is a box to enter comments, and a submit button.  When the submit button is pressed, the entire calculation device, along with the calculated results, and the comments, are transmitted to my e-mail (David Alderoty).  In addition, each of the ten problems, has its own box to enter comments, but the submit buttons are located only on the bottom of the software.
            For students that need additional mathematics instruction, I provided links under each problem to access the
Wolfram Alpha computer.  This is a useful Internet resource, which can provide step-by-step solutions to mathematics problems.



Website-2) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial

For Integrals with the Hyperbolic Tangent And Cotangent


A Software-Based Tutorial on Calculus,

With The Hyperbolic Tangent and Cotangent


If you want a printer friendly JavaScript

version of the software left click on this link


Left click here to download the zipped folder

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


2) DESCRIPTION: The software on website-2 is similar to the above, except it is a calculation device and tutorial for integrals involving the hyperbolic TANGENT and COTANGENT.  



Website-3) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Calculus Tutorial

For Integrals with the Hyperbolic Secant and Cosecant


An Online Computer Tutorial on Calculus,

For The Hyperbolic Functions Sech and Csch


If you want a printer friendly version of the

JavaScript tutorial, without the introductory

and instructional text, left click on these words.


Left click here to download a zipped folder with Excel versions.

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


3) DESCRIPTION: The software on website-3 is similar to the above, except it is a calculation device and tutorial for integrals involving the hyperbolic SECANT and COSECANT.



Website-4) A Calculation Device for Hyperbolic-Functions


An Online Calculation Device For Hyperbolic Functions,

And Related Mathematical Concepts


For a printer friendly JavaScript version of the above without

introductory and instructional text, left click on these words.


Left click here to download the zipped folder, with Excel versions.

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


4) DESCRIPTION: The software on website-4, is a calculation device for calculating the HYPERBOLIC: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant.  The calculations take place, as soon as the user enters a number in a white input box, and clicks with the mouse.  Each of the six calculations are performed in two ways, one is with the Microsoft Excel’s built-in functions, and the other is with the conventional formulas used for the hyperbolic functions, which are based on e (e = 2.718281828459050).  

            On the very bottom of this calculation device, there is a box to enter comments, and a submit button.  When the submit button is pressed, the entire calculation device, along with the calculated results, and the comments, are sent to my e-mail (David Alderoty). 



Website-5) A Calculation Device That Functions as a

Calculus Tutorial for Triple Integrals


Online JavaScript Calculation Software

For A Calculus Tutorial On Triple Integrals


For a printer friendly JavaScript version of the tutorial,

without introductory text, left click on these words.


Left click here to download a zipped folder, with Excel versions.

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


5) DESCRIPTION: The software on website-5 consists of a calculation device that functions as a tutorial for triple integrals.  When the user enters two numbers, in white input boxes on top of the calculation device, an additional four values are generated by the computer.  With these numbers, the software generates ten math problems in the form of triple integrals.  When the user enters numbers he or she calculated for a specific problem, the software checks the calculated results, and displays a message indicating whether or not the user entered the correct calculations.  This software also has a device that keeps track of the number of correct calculations the student entered in the tutorial.  There are 10 problems in the software, and for each correct calculation, the counting device displays 10% 

            The calculations performed by this software are normally concealed, until the user enters manually calculated results.  However, if the user places an X in a green input box, on the top of the device, all the results calculated by the computer are displayed instantaneously.

            This software has another interesting feature, which allows the user to control the number of decimal places used in the calculations.  Specifically, on the upper section of the software, there is a white input box, and related text that indicate how many decimal places are going to be used for the calculations.  The users can change these settings, by deleting the number in the input box, and replacing it with a number that represents their preferred number of decimal places.

            On the very bottom of this calculation device, there is a box to enter comments, and a submit button.  When the submit button is pressed, the entire calculation device, along with the calculated results, and the comments, are sent to my e-mail (David Alderoty). 



Website-6) A Calculation Device That Functions as a Tutorial for

Solving Algebraic Equations with Hyperbolic Functions


Online Tutorial on Algebra with Hyperbolic Functions

In The Form of JavaScript Calculation Software

If you want a printer friendly JavaScript version of this software,

without the introductory text left click on these words


Left click here to download a zipped folder, with Excel versions.

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


6) DESCRIPTION: The software on website-6 consists of a calculation device that functions as a tutorial for algebra problems with hyperbolic functions.  When the user enters two numbers in the input boxes, a set of semi-random numbers are generated.  The software uses these numbers to generate ten algebra problems involving hyperbolic functions.  When this is done, the software instantly calculates the answers to the ten algebra problems, and generates step-by-step solutions for each of the problems.  The calculated results and a step-by-step solution are initially concealed from the user.  When the user enters a manually calculated result, into an input box for a specific problem, the software displays the correct calculated result, and the step-by-step solution to the problem.  If the user entered the correct calculated result, a message in green type is displayed.  When an incorrect result is entered by the user a message in red type is displayed.  This software also has a device that keeps track of the number of correct calculations the student entered in the tutorial.  There are 10 problems in the software, and for each correct calculation, the counting device displays 10% 

            The calculations performed by this software are normally concealed, until the user enters manually calculated results.  However, if the user places an X in a green input box, on top of the calculation device, all the results calculated by the computer are displayed instantaneously.

            This software has another interesting feature, which allows the user to control the number of decimal places used in the calculations.  Specifically, on the upper section of the software, there is a white input box, and related text that indicate how many decimal places are going to be used for the calculations.  Users can change these settings, by changing the number in the input box.

            On the very bottom of this calculation device, there is a box to enter comments, and a submit button.  When the submit button is pressed, the entire calculation device, along with the calculated results, and the comments, are transmitted to my e-mail (David Alderoty).  In addition, each of the ten problems, has its own box to enter comments, but the submit buttons are located only on the bottom of the software.



Website-7) A Calculation Device That Calculates

The Average, and a Few Other Statistical Calculations


Online Table for Calculating the Average


If you want a printer friendly JavaScript version of this software,

without the introductory text left click on these words


7) DESCRIPTION:  The software on website-7 consists of a JavaScript online calculation device, which calculates the average when a set of numbers (or scores) are entered in column C.  It also calculates three other components that relate to each individual score, which are displayed in three columns D, E, and F.  This software can handle up to 40 numbers (or scores), and it has a print button, so users can print their calculated results.



Website-8) Databases with Calculation Devices



Created with Microsoft Excel

8) DESCRIPTION: Website-8 has a total of 20 downloadable databases, and the website contains over 5500 words, and it has its own hyperlinked table of contents.  The databases do not contain any data.  They are designed for individuals, businesses, and organizations who want to store their own information in their own database.  The databases require Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010, or later versions, and they can be obtained for free, by downloading from the website listed above.

            All of the databases on website-8 have some type of calculation mechanism, such as to count the number of entries, or to perform statistical calculations.  These databases also have the Microsoft Excel alphabetizing device installed, on the very top of each column.  With this device you can alphabetize anything in the column, from A to Z, or from Z to A.  The alphabetizing device also has a search mechanism.  

            Six of these databases I design specifically for multiple lines of text.  Nine of the databases have calculation mechanisms that perform various types of statistical calculations.  In addition, I created five databases that are designed to hold hyperlinks to various types of digital media, such as websites, videos, Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, etc.  



Website-9) A Multiple Calculation Device with

A Semi-Random Number Generator


Multiple Calculation Software, with a

Semi-Random Number Generator, Based on Time


If you want a printer friendly, JavaScript version of this software,

without the text on the website, left click on these words.


Download link for a zipped folder,

with Excel versions of the software.

Remove the files from the folder, before you use them.


9) DESCRIPTION: The software on website-9 is a very unusual device, and it is about 30 pages in length, without the website.  With the website it is 37 pages.  It has a semi-random number generator that uses the computer’s clock and a series of formulas I created, to generate sets of random numbers.  The random numbers are transmitted within the software, to ten calculation devices, that carry out OVER 60 calculation simultaneously, involving algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and geometric calculations for a circle and rectangle.

            This software demonstrates how Microsoft Excel can be used as a computer language, to create complex software.  The spreadsheet formulas and the related connections are displayed in the first section of the software, using black lines to show the data transfer from input boxes, and from one formula to another.  The second and third sections of the software display only the spreadsheet formulas, and calculated results.



Website-10) Simplified Discussion, on How Microsoft

Excel Can Be Used As A Programming Language


Microsoft Excel as a Programming Language,

To Create Databases and Complex Calculation Devices


10) DESCRIPTION: Website-10 provides a concise and simplified discussion, on HOW MICROSOFT EXCEL CAN BE USED AS A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, to create complex software-based calculation devices, and databases with calculation mechanisms.  On website 10, most of the software mentioned above, are used as examples to demonstrate the utility of creating software with Excel.