A Photomicrographic Study of Residues, Obtained From the Evaporation of 18 Aqueous Fluids
By David Alderoty © 2017 To contact the author use: David@TechForText.com Or left click for a website communication form
This website contains over 450 photomicrographs, and over 3,900 words. This is PAGE 1, and it contains an article and digitally enhanced photomicrographs. If you want to go to PAGE 2 left click on the following link:
Summary of the Study, with Photographic Examples
A 236 Word Summary of the Study This study involved 18 aqueous fluids, ranging from chicken eggs, fruit juices, to a number of chemicals dissolved in water. Two or three drops of the fluids were placed on microscope slides, and set aside to dry at room temperature, under protective dust covers. After the drying process was completed, each slide had a residue that was examined under the microscope. All of the residues had one or more structures, which apparently formed during the drying process. All of the relevant structures were photographed through the microscope. One structure from each of the 18 residues was photographed using five types of lighting. This included TRANSMITTED LIGHT, POLARIZED LIGHT, REFLECTED LIGHT, and combinations of the above. This sometimes reveals details and/or structures that could not be seen when only one type of lighting is used. OVER 450 photomicrographs were obtained from this study. Based on examination of these photomicrographs, the structures contained in the residues were placed into six general categories. This is explained in detail in the main body of the paper. The important idea to keep in mind is that the microscopic structures that were photographed are NOT random formations, unless otherwise noted. They possess a relatively high degree of order, and usually occur several times in the same residue. If you repeated this study, you would encounter the same structures. The above will become apparent if you examine the photomicrographs in the following section. |
Fifteen Examples of Photomicrographs Containing Structures Found in the Dried Residues
An optional guessing challenge in relation to the photomicrographs is presented below. There are seven sets of photomicrographs presented in the black section below, and they are numbered from 1 to 7. Each set of photomicrographs is from one of the seven residues presented in the yellow highlighted list, presented below. After examining the photomicrographs in the black section, can you guess which residue they are from?
The garlic juice residue = The Egg yolk residue = The Strawberry juice residue = The Sodium borate (Borax) residue = The Egg whites residue = The Sucrose (sugar) residue = The Sodium chloride (table salt) residue =
You can copy the above list on a piece of paper, and enter the number that corresponds with your guess, next to the equal sign.
If you want the answers to the seven questions presented above, left click on these words |
3) (This might be a random, or semi-random formation)
6) The above are probably microscopic bubbles, which might be filled with solidified sugar, and/or protein.
A Photomicrographic Study of Residues, Obtained From the Evaporation of 18 Aqueous Fluids
Residues and the Microscopic Structures they Contain
Generally, when an aqueous fluid evaporates, it leaves behind a residue, which may contain interesting structures, such as the examples presented above, in the black section. The structures photographed for this paper, developed spontaneously during the evaporation process, and they are NOT random occurrences, unless otherwise noted.
The Aqueous Fluids Used for this Study The residues produced by the evaporation of the following 18 aqueous fluids were studied, and photographed with a compound light microscope: 1) Egg Yolks, 2) Egg Whites, 3) Garlic Juice, 4) Peach Juice, 5) Strawberry Juice, 6) Orange Juice, 7) Tomato Juice, 8) Kiwi Juice, 9) Apple Juice, 10) Sodium Borate (Borax), 11) Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), 12) Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), 13) Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox Bleach), 14) Sucrose (Sugar), 15) Sodium Chloride (Table Salt), 16) Potassium Chloride (Nu-Salt), 17) Acetic Acid (Vinegar), and 18) Red Wine Vinegar. The juices from the above were obtained by manually squeezing fresh garlic, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes, and Kiwis. The orange and apple juices were purchased from a supermarket, and they did not contain pulp according to their labels. The chemicals that were not in an aqueous solution were dissolved in water for the study. All of the chemicals were purchase at a supermarket or drugstore, and they were packaged for general household use. Thus, most of them contained additives and impurities. This can resulted residues and related structures that are somewhat different than would be obtained with highly purified chemicals. All of the above applies to Sodium Borate (Borax), Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), Sodium Hydroxide (Lye drain cleaner), Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox Bleach), Sucrose (Sugar), Sodium Chloride (Table Salt), Potassium Chloride (Nu-Salt), and Acetic Acid (Vinegar).
Placing the Fluid on the Microscope Slides, and the Drying Process Two or three drops of the aqueous fluids were placed on the microscope slides, and they were set aside to dry at room temperature, in protective dust covers. After the drying process was completed, each slide had a residue that was examined under the microscope, using the lighting described below.
The Lighting Used for the Photography
One structure from each of the 18 residues was photographed with five types of lighting. This included the conventional TRANSMITTED LIGHT, typically used in compound light microscopes. The TRANSMITTED LIGHT was polarized to varying degrees for some of the photomicrographs. Three unusual types of light were also used for some of the photomicrographs, as explained below.
· REFLECTED LIGHT: REFLECTED LIGHT is of course commonly used in daily life and in photography, but usually not with compound light microscopes. Flashpoint 105 watt Spiral CFL Fluorescent Light Bulbs were used for reflected light. This involved one bulb on the left and one on the right. Only a tiny portion of the light from these bulbs illuminated the slide, because appropriate reflectors were not available, but the illumination was more than adequate. When a slight shadow effect was wanted to increase contrast, a single bulb was used either on the left or right.
· COMBINATION OF REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT: This involves light passing through the structure that was photographed, as well as some light reflected from the surface of the structure.
· A COMBINATION OF REFLECTED LIGHT and TRANSMITTED-POLARIZED LIGHT: This involves light reflected off the surface of the object, as well as some polarized light passing through the object.
Most structures appeared optimally photographed, when a specific type of light was used. For example, objects that are very opaque and transmit very little light will usually look better if photographed with reflected light. Whenever there is inadequate detail in photomicrographs, it is usually best to try reflected light. The combination of reflected and transmitted light sometimes produces additional detail, especially if the transmitted light is partially polarized.
Each Type of Light that Was Used, Produced an Image with a Different Set of Colors. Most of the photomicrographs show a variation in color and detail as a result of the different types of lighting that were used. The most interesting effect was seen when polarized light was used to photograph residues that were comprised of crystals, such as the following examples:
Sodium Hydroxide (Lye drain cleaner) Sodium Borate, sold as Borax
Whenever you see a photograph in this paper that has a rainbow effect, it was probably photographed with at least some polarized light. However, polarized light does not always produce a rainbow effect.
The level of illumination can also affect the appearance of a photomicrograph. This is especially the case with transmitted light, which is controlled by a dimmer switch on the microscope. When the light is dimmed the photomicrographs have a warmer or brownish look, such as the photograph on the right. The photograph on the left was taken with the dimmer switch set to maximum illumination.
Structures found in the residue Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
The following structure was found in dried egg yolk, and it has root-like appearance on the left. However, when photographed under different lighting conditions it looks like a crack in the surface of the residue. There is no simple way of knowing for certain which image is the most accurate. Nevertheless, these images demonstrate the utility of using several types of lighting with photomicroscopy.
The following are five photomicrographs of a sodium hydroxide residue, which was taken with five types of light as indicated below.
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Note, one structure from each of the 18 residues, was photographed with the five types of light mentioned above.
The Structures that were Photographed for This Study were Placed in Six Categories All of the residues had one or more unique structures that formed during the drying process. The structures that resulted were, photographed and studied, and classified using the following six general categories: Category 1) CRYSTALS: Starting from left to right, the three examples are sodium chloride (table salt), sucrose (sugar), and sodium hydroxide (lye drain cleaner).
Category 2) BUBBLES OR OTHER STRUCTURES THAT ARE ROUGHLY CIRCULAR OR SPHERICAL: Starting from left to right, the four examples are egg whites, and the juices from garlic, strawberries, and peaches
Category 3) ENTITIES THAT CONTAIN INTERSECTING LINES OR CURVES, AND STRUCTURES THAT RESEMBLE GEOMETRIC FIGURES: Starting from left to right the three examples, are egg white, egg yolk, followed by another egg white.
Category 5) STRUCTURES THAT RESEMBLE SAND, GRAVEL OR ROCKS: Starting from left to right, the three examples are from orange juice, tomato juice, and Kiwi Juice.
Category 6) STRUCTURES THAT FORM AROUND THE PERIMETER OF A RESIDUE: Starting from left to right the examples are from egg yolk, and acetic acid (vinegar).
Structures that Appear Orderly or Disorderly, and/or Similar or Dissimilar
A specific residue can have a number of structures that are dissimilar to varying degrees: When this is the case moving the slide with the residue, will reveal different structures. This can be seen in the following two examples.
Three dissimilar structures from the residue of dried garlic juice
The structures in the garlic residue might be random or semi-random formations, because they appear to be one-of-a-kind.
Three dissimilar structures from the residue of dried egg yolk
The structures in the dried egg yolk are almost certainly not random formations. This is because structures similar to the formations on the left and right have been seen on the same slide. The structure in the center is a small drop of dried egg yolk, and it contains many smaller structures that are similar. With close examination, you can see many circles connected with line segments in this dried drop of egg yolk.
Some residues have a number of structures that are similar, if not identical to each other. This is especially the case with crystals. See the following example. Three similar structures from a sodium chloride residue (table salt)
Some residues have little or no structure, and may appear flat, or may have a fine-grain that appears relatively flat, such as the example shows that the below. However, residues that appear relatively flat would probably appear less flat, with more grain and/or structures under higher magnification. Residues from dried Apple juice
The indentations that appear in the above residues are good examples of random formations. This conclusion is based on their irregular shapes, and their dissimilarity to other structures on the slide.
Structures from specific residues can appear very highly ordered, to the point where it looks like it was created by humans, or by a biological process. The following example looks like a work of art or a piece of jewelry. A residue from dried strawberry juice
The above are probably bubbles, filled with solidified material from the strawberries.
The Equipment, Camera Settings, and Post-Processing that was used for the Photomicrographs
The Equipment, Magnification, and Camera Settings The Sony 7 RII camera body was used, with a photo eyepiece instead of a lens, to take the photomicrographs. The camera body was attached to a compound light microscope, with an adapter and extension tubes. This involved 120 mm of extension, resulting in additional magnification. The additional extension and magnification was necessary to prevent vignetting. The magnification on the sensor of the Sony 7 RII ranged from about 14 times to 28 times. However, on the computer screen the magnification is much greater, approximately 40 to 120 times. The level of magnification is also significantly affected by the level of cropping, and the size of your computer screen. The camera body was tethered to a computer with a USB cable. With this set up, the camera, and most of its settings could be controlled from the computer. The shutter was activated from the computer to prevent camera shake. The Sony camera body was set to aperture priority, because there was no aperture to control. Thus, the shutter speed was controlled by the camera. Some of the photomicrographs required shutter speeds over one second, but this was not a problem because the structures were not moving. The camera body was also set to control the ISO, and color temperature (white balance).
The Photo Editing (Post-Processing, or Digital Enhancing)
Photo editing, can sometimes inadvertently distort scientific results. To avoid this possibility, the photographs on page 2 have not been digitally enhanced in any way except for resizing. However, digitally enhancing photographic data can sometimes reveal information that was not visible or apparent in the unedited material. Thus, all of the photomicrographs on the first page of this website were digitally enhanced, using the photo editing functions in Microsoft Word. This primarily involved the Word’s functions to resize, crop, and enhance contrast, sharpness, and brightness. The photo editing functions in Microsoft Word was used because this paper was written in a Microsoft Word document. Transferring a photograph edited in other software into a Microsoft Word document, does not always produce optimal results. Photographs edited and other software, usually have to be reedited and resized when inserted into a Microsoft Word document, to obtain optimum results.
Additional Information on Self-Organizing Structures, and Related Concepts
This section contains a general discussion on self-organizing structures, and web links for additional information from other authors. If a web link fails, use the blue underlined words as a search phrase with www.Google.com or for video www.Google.com/videohp Usually this type of search will bring up the original source, or one or more good alternatives. If this is not the case, try shortening or modifying the blue underlined words that you used for search phrase.
A Definition of Self-Organizing Structures Most of the entities that were photograph in this study are Self-Organizing Structures. Based on the way I am using the terminology, self-organizing structures are entities that form as a result of attractive forces between smaller structures. In some cases, the attractive forces might be partly or totally the result of external forces acting on the unique geometry of the smaller structures. The smaller structures in theory can be almost any size and mass, especially when the self-organizing structures are celestial objects. However, the structures that are relevant to this study are atoms, molecules, and colloidal structures. In this paper, SPONTANEOUSLY FORMING STRUCTURES has exactly the same meaning as SELF-ORGANIZING STRUCTURES.
Example of Entities that are Not Self-Organizing Structures
The above definition of self-organizing structures excludes large structures that are formed as a result of earthquakes, volcanic activity, or erosion. Also excluded are products that are assembled by humans and/or machines. The above entities are excluded from the definition because they are not formed as a result of attractive forces between smaller structures.
Self-Organizing Structures form Under Appropriate Conditions within the System
Self-organizing structures form within a system that has appropriate structural components, such as atoms, molecules, colloidal structures, and appropriate levels of one or more of the following: · Temperature
· Pressure
· Humidity
· Electric charge
· Specific number of Electric discharges per unit of time
· Electromagnetic radiation entering the system
· Oscillating electric currents
· Acoustical vibrations
· Magnetic forces
· Fluctuating magnetic forces
· A specific type of energy, such as light, gamma rays, heat, electricity, etc.
· Specific types of force field
The Self-organizing structures that were photographed in this study, required appropriate temperature, atmospheric pressure and gravity. If some of the other factors presented on the above list were used a different set of self-organizing structures might have developed. In future studies, I might use various types of oscillating electric fields or electric currents to see if a different set of self-organizing structures develop.
The Self-Organizing Structures that Were Photographed for this Study
The self-organizing structures that were photograph in this study did not involve chemical reactions. However, some obviously involved crystallization, which involves attractive forces between similar molecules. Some of the structures may have formed because of attractive forces between colloidal structures. The attractive forces were initiated by the process of evaporation which crowded the molecules and/or colloidal structures together.
Additional Examples of Self-Organizing Structures
The most obvious examples of self-organizing structures are entities that formed as a result of crystallization, chemical reactions, and/or biological processes. All living things are examples of highly complex self-organizing structures. Living cells are comprised of many types of simpler self-organizing structures. All of the above ultimately form as a result of attractive forces between the nucleus of atoms and electrons. Planets and stars are self-forming structures that form as a result of gravitational forces between smaller structures. In this case the smaller structures can be gas molecules, as well as any naturally occurring entities typically found in space. The nuclear reactions that take place in stars resulted in various types of self-forming atomic structures. The structures are the atoms of the naturally occurring elements.
The Fundamental Forces of the Universe, In Relation To Self-Forming Structures Ultimately, all self-forming structures are the result of the basic forces of the universe. According to current theories there are four basic forces, which are listed below:
· GRAVITY This force is involved in the formation of planets, stars, neutron stars, and black holes.
· ELECTROMAGNETISM This is the force is involved with chemical reactions, electric fields, and the structures that were photographed for this study.
· THE STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE This is the force holds the nucleus of atoms together, which are comprised of smaller subatomic particles.
· WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE This force is involved nuclear reaction, which can result in the formation of subatomic particles and/or atoms.
Energy and the Formation of Self-Organizing Structures
Self-organizing structures involve a process that involves energy, which should be obvious from the previous subtopic (Self-Organizing Structures form Under Appropriate Conditions within the System) Generally speaking, the right amount of energy, and the right type of energy, is required for the formation of a specific type of self-organizing structure to form. For example, a system with excessively high temperatures, and/or high levels of radioactivity, will prevent living structures from forming. A system with excessively low temperatures, can also prevent living structures from forming. In general, self-organizing structures form as a result of a process that requires the release of energy, or an input of energy. The energy state of the system must be appropriate for the required release of energy, or for the required input of energy. This is explained in more detail in the following two subtopics.
Self-Organizing Structures that Release Energy when they are Formed
There are self-organizing structures that release energy when they form, such as molecules that form as a result of exothermic reactions. A good example is hydrogen and oxygen combining to form water molecules. Self-organizing structures created with exothermic reactions require an input of energy to break them up into smaller structures. For example, water can be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen if exposed to high temperatures, or an electric current.
Self-Organizing Structures that Require an Input of Energy when they are Formed
Some self-organizing structures form only when there is an input of energy into the system. Two examples are living structures, and molecules that are formed as a result of endothermic reactions. Self-organizing structures that were created with an input of energy, will generally release energy when they are broken up into smaller structures.
Web links for Additional Information from Other Authors (Note, this is NOT the last section. Below this section there are 280 Digitally Enhanced Photomicrographs from the study)
After I completed my microscopic study of the residues from 18 aqueous solutions, I came across a number of articles, one of which deals with the same general concept that I was studying. Self-organization and pre-biotic organization in chemical substance-systems This article is only a small section of a website that deals with Water A geologic hypothesis This essentially involves self-organizing structures that formed in rocks.
Colloidal clusters, from Manoharan Lab Soft matter, biophysics, and optics Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
(Search Phrase Google Scholar) "Spontaneously Forming Structures"
Morphological Characterization of DMPC/CHAPSO Bicellar Mixtures: A Combined SANS and NMR Study
(Search Phrase Google Scholar) "Self-Organizing Structures"
Self-organizing structures Posted by Daniel under
Two-dimensional crystallization: Express nanoparticle ordering
Self-assembled colloidal structures for photonics, Shin-Hyun Kim, Su Yeon Lee
Fabrication of large binary colloidal crystals with a NaCl structure E. C. M. Vermolen, A. Kuijk, L. C. Filion, M. Hermes
Over 280 Digitally Enhanced Photomicrographs Ranging in Size From 4x 2.67, to 8x 5
Basic Information About the Photomicrographs, and Links to Access Them
In this section there are over 280 digitally enhanced photomicrographs of various structures that were found in the dried residues of the 18 fluids listed below. The photographic data was primarily digitally enhanced to compensate for deficiencies typically found in light microscopes, which are lack of contrast and sharpness. All of the photomicrographs can be viewed in the original state, before there were digitally enhanced, on page 2 of this website. You can access photomicrographs from any of the following by clicking on the underlined blue words, or by scrolling down. 1) Egg Yolks, 2) Egg Whites, 3) Garlic Juice, 4) Peach Juice, 5) Strawberry Juice, 6) Orange Juice, 7) Tomato Juice, 8) Kiwi Juice, 9) Apple Juice, 10) Sodium Borate (Borax), 11) Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt), 12) Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), 13) Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox Bleach), 14) Sucrose (Sugar), 15) Sodium Chloride (Table Salt), 16) Potassium Chloride (Nu-Salt), 17) Acetic Acid (Vinegar), and 18) Red Wine Vinegar.
Over 280 Digitally Enhanced Photomicrographs From The Study
Structures found in the residue of dried egg yolk, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg yolk, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried egg yolk, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg yolk, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg yolk, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg yolk, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried egg whites, photographed with tTRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg whites, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg whites, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg whites, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried egg whites, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried garlic juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT _______________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried peach juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT The above might be bubbles of some type. However, they appear to be filled with solid material, based on the imperfections in the bubble at the lower center of the photograph
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried strawberry juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried orange juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried tomato juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried tomato juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried tomato juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried tomato juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried tomato juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, and REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ______________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Kiwi juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Apple juice, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Apple juice, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Apple juice, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ________________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Apple juice, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Apple juice, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Borate, (Borax) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Borate (Borax) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Borate (Borax) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Borate (Borax) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed
with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom Salt) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom) Salt photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Magnesium Sulfate, (Epsom) Salt photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach), photographed
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach), photographed
with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Hypochlorite (Clorox bleach) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sucrose (sugar), photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sucrose (sugar), photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sucrose (sugar) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sucrose (sugar) photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sucrose (sugar) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sucrose (sugar) photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Sucrose (sugar) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Sucrose (sugar) photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt),photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT _________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt), photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT _________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt), photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt), photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt), photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT _________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt),photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt),photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Sodium Chloride (table salt),photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT _________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Sodium Chloride (table salt), photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Potassium chloride (Nu-Salt) photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Potassium chloride (Nu-Salt) photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of, Potassium chloride (Nu-Salt), photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of, Potassium chloride (Nu-Salt), photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Potassium chloride (Nu-Salt),photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Potassium chloride (Nu-Salt), photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of dried Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of dried Acetic Acid (Vinegar), photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT
Structures found in the residue of Red Wine Vinegar, photographed with TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Red Wine Vinegar, photographed with REFLECTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Red Wine Vinegar, photographed with REFLECTED AND TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Structures found in the residue of Red Wine Vinegar, photographed with POLARIZED TRANSMITTED LIGHT ____________________________________________
Red Wine Vinegar, photographed with a combination of POLARIZED-TRANSMITTED LIGHT, AND REFLECTED LIGHT