An Online Calculation Device For Hyperbolic Functions, And Related Mathematical Concepts


An Online Calculation Device For Hyperbolic Functions,

And Related Mathematical Concepts

Created by David Alderoty © 2012


To contact the author (David Alderoty) use this

e‑mail, or left click

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INFORMATION ABOUT THE CALCULATION DEVICE, AND RELATED INSTRUCTIONS:  This calculation device calculates the hyperbolic sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, as soon as the user enters a number in the white input box below, and clicks with the mouse.  Each of the six calculations, are performed in two ways, one is with the conventional formulas used for the hyperbolic functions, which are based on e (e = 2.718281828459050).  The other method was based on the Microsoft Excel built-in functions.  Surprisingly, both of the above produced identical results down to 14 decimal places, (with my Dell dual processor 64-bit computer.)  With functions of this type, it is not uncommon to see slight discrepancies beyond the eighth or ninth decimal place, due to rounding errors by the computer and software.


NOTE: This calculation device, displays very large and very small numbers, in scientific notation, using the letter e, such as: 1.3440585709080606e+43.


      ANOTHER INTERESTING CONCEPT:  As stated above, the conventional formulas, use by this software to calculate the hyperbolic functions, are based on e (e = 2.718281828459050).  You can delete the e in the pink input box below, and replace it with any number you choose.  When this is done, you are no longer calculating the hyperbolic functions with these formulas, and the text labels on the formulas change accordingly.  For example, if there is a 3 in the white input box, and you replace the e with a 2 in the pink input box, the labels on the six formulas will change as follows:

Formula 1) from sinch(3) to FunctionS[2]^(3)

Formula 2) from cosh(3) to FunctionC[2]^(3)

Formula 3) from tanh(3) to FunctionT[2]^(3)

Formula 4) from coth(3) to Function-CT[2]^(3)

Formula 5) from sech(3) to Function-SC[2]^(3)

Formula 6) from csch(3) FunctionCS[2]^(3)


      THIS SOFTWARE IN THE EXCEL FORMAT: This software was originally created with Microsoft Excel, and other software, and it was electronically converted to JavaScript so it will function over the Internet, in a conventional web browser. If you are interested, you can obtain the original Excel version of the software by downloading a zipped folder, by clicking on the link presented below.  The zipped folder contains four versions for: Excel 2003, and 2007-2010.  The Excel devices with the words Formula-Study provide direct access to the formulas and code.  However, the formulas and code will not function in a conventional Excel spreadsheet, because they were created specifically for the specially designed into phase that comprises this software.

Left click here to download the zipped folder

Remove the software from the folder before you use it


If you want a printer friendly version of the JavaScript calculation device, without the introductory and instructional text, left click on these words.


Enter a number in the white input box below.
Do not enter numbers that have more than two digits.
            X =              
In the pink input box, below, you can delete the e,
and enter any one or two digit number you choose.
            B =              
This calculation is performed with the following formula
This calculation is performed with the following formula
This calculation is performed with the following formula
This calculation is performed with the following formula
This calculation is performed with the following formula
This calculation is performed with the following formula
  If you have any comments about this website, enter your statement below, and click on the submit button. When this is done, your comments, the numbers you entered, and the calculated results, will be transmitted to the author.