Elapsed Timer for Seconds, and Fractions of a Seconds Presented in Decimals
  This device measures time in seconds, and fractions of the second, calculated to 9 decimal places. This device has the functionality to provide a countdown to the designated start time, in seconds and fractions of a seconds, which is displayed with a minus sign, such as -300 seconds. You can set a designated start time, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or even years, in advance, and this timing device will provide a precise countdown. When the start time is reached the elapsed time is displayed with a positive number.  
  To use this elapsed timer delete the time in the input box below, and  
  then enter the start date on the left, and the start time on the right.  


  In this device, enter the time in MILITARY FORMAT, in the online JavaScript version. For example: 1:30 AM, in military format is 13:30 However, with the Excel version, you must enter the time in the conventional AM / PM format.  
  Start date: Start Time:    
  The start time you entered is  
    The elapsed time is presented in seconds, and    
  fractions of a second in terms of decimals