Techniques for Documenting with Proof or Supporting Evidence, and Related Strategies for Problem Solving By David Alderoty © 2016
Chapter 12) Can a Computer have Common Sense, And Computer Simulations of Common Sense, With Artificial Intelligence Software
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Table of Contents, and an Outline of this Chapter The following is a hyperlink table of contents, as well as an outline of this chapter. If you left click on a blue underlined heading, the corresponding topic or subtopic will appear on your computer screen. Alternatively, you can scroll down to access the material listed in the table of contents, because this chapter is on one long webpage.
Topic 1.) Can a Computer have Common Sense? Subtopic, Can a Computer Have Common Sense That Functions Similar to Human Common Sense? Subtopic, A Brief Description of What Computers And Software can Do, and Cannot Do Subtopic, Computers can Read Text Aloud, with Text-To-Speech Software Subtopic, The Practical Utility of Text‑To‑Speech Software, for the Writer Subtopic, Chatbots, and Personal Assistant Software, May be programmed with Personality and Gender Subtopic, Interviewing Chatbots, and Personal Assistants Software Devices, that Simulate Commonsense Subtopic, Interview with Mary, Personal Assistant Chatbot Subtopic, Interview with Mitsuku, Online Chatbot Subtopic, Interview with Alice, Online Chatbot Web-Based Videos for Additional and Supporting Information for the Material Presented in this Topic
This E-Book Provides Additional and Supporting Information from other Authors, with Web Links
This e-book contains links to web-based articles and videos from other authors, for additional, alternative, and supporting information. The links are the blue underlined words, presented throughout this e-book. However, some of these links are to access different sections of this e-book, or material on my own websites. Quotes and paraphrases in this e-book have hyperlinks to access the original source. The quotes are presented in brown text, which is the same color of these words. (The precise text color is RGB Decimal 165, 42, 42, or Hex #a52a2a) Some of the web links in this e-book will probably fail eventually, because websites may be removed from the web, or placed on a new URL. If a link fails, use the blue underlined words as a search phrase, with If the link is for a video, use The search will usually bring up the original website, or one or more good alternatives. |
For those who prefer listening, as an alternative to reading, this book is recorded in an audio format.
For an audio narration of topic 1, left click on these words (requires 6 minutes, and 59 seconds).
For an audio narration of topic 2, left click on these words (requires 12 minutes, and 8 seconds).
For an audio narration of topic 3, left click on these words (requires 21 minutes, and 56 seconds).
Topic 1.) Can a Computer have Common Sense? ||| The material in this chapter is based on my knowledge of computer and software developments up until November 2016. Developments in computer technology are taking place at a very rapid rate. Thus, there may have been new developments in computer technology that I was not aware of when I wrote this chapter. This chapter will be focused on the following:
· Can a computer have common sense that functions similar to human common sense?
· Can computers mimic some components of common sense, such as by reading and writing text?
· Are there any developments in artificial intelligence that might be useful to the writer?
· Are there computers and software that can simulate common sense, such as by answering random interview questions, or responding to verbal questions that involve mathematics? If not, would it ever be possible to develop computers and software that can carry out the above?
Subtopic, Can a Computer Have Common Sense That Functions Similar to Human Common Sense? ||| Can a computer have common sense the way people do? Computers are not consciously aware of images and other data that is entered into their memory. More precisely, they cannot evaluate information in the same way that human beings can. Humans essentially perceive and evaluate the world on a multidimensional level. As a result, they can develop a large number of reasonably accurate assumptions or conclusions about an entity, from a single experience. For example, if an adult did not know what an elephant was, when he sees an elephant for the first time, he will most likely derived the following conclusions:
· Elephants are animals, and they are larger and heavier than people and other animals
· Elephants have a tale, and they walk on four legs
· Elephants are different from other animals, because they have a trunk, which they used to manipulate food and objects.
· Because of their large size, elephants are stronger than people and other animals, and they could be dangerous.
Computers cannot derive a set of conclusions by observing a random object, as described above. With the above set of conclusions a human can answer an almost limitless number of questions about elephants, such as the following:
· Could a human being possibly ride on the back of an elephant?
· If there were a fight to the death, between an elephant and a rabbit, which animal would most likely win?
· Can a man lift an elephant with his hands?
· How many limbs does an elephant have?
· If you bought an elephant, would it cost more than a rabbit?
· Would an elephant cost more than the world’s largest zoo?
· Could you fit an elephant in a cage designed for a rabbit?
· Could you fit an elephant in the Grand Canyon?
A computer could answer the above questions ONLY IF the answers were programmed into the software. A more complex possibility is to incorporate visual recognition software that can recognize specific components that relate to elephants, and to compare them with other animals. This is certainly not the same as human common sense, as described in the previous paragraph. With the common sense faculty, a human can figure out the answers to a large number of random questions about an entity. This can include questions that compare the entity to other objects and animals.
Subtopic, A Brief Description of What Computers And Software can Do, and Cannot Do ||| It should be apparent from the above computers do not have the ability to carry out common sense reasoning, the WAY HUMAN BEINGS DO. Computers can answer questions based on programming, such as if the input is question-A, search database to find and display answer‑A. This might also include, if answer-A is not in the database, search for closest matching answer to question-A. However, if the computer is instructed to choose the closest matching answer to question-A, it might display an erroneous answer. This situation arises when speech to text software provides an incorrect phrase, which does not relate to the statement the user verbalized. A similar situation is seen with artificial intelligence software, such as chat robots. This can involve a meaningless response, to a question or statement presented by the user. Most of us and counted a similar situation when we carried out an Internet search, that resulted in irrelevant search results. Without the faculty of common sense, computers cannot always determine the difference between responses that are nonsensical, correct, or meaningful. In other words, the computer might not be able to carry out the required EVALUATIONS to determine if the closest matching answer to question-A is correct, incorrect, or nonsense. However, at a more sophisticated level, software can be created to answer questions that involve certain types of EVALUATIONS. For example, a little over a year ago, I created for demonstration and experimental purposes, an online software device that can carry out EVALUATIONS involving five questions. The answers to these questions could not be programmed into the software, because they are constantly changing with time. The questions are presented below:
· How long ago was this software created, and hours, minutes, and seconds? THE RESPONSE: 8628 Hours, 10 Minutes and 18 Seconds THE RESPONSE ALSO INCLUDES 359 Days, 12 Hours, 10 Minutes, and 18 Seconds
· What is the last day of the month? THE RESPONSE: Last day of the month is Monday, October 31, 2016
· What is the current date? THE RESPONSE: Today is Friday, October 28, 2016
· What time is it? THE RESPONSE: The Time is 12:19:04 PM
· What year is it? THE RESPONSE: The year is 2016
The software described above, is accessible from Note, the software does not display well in Internet Explorer, so use Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.
Topic 2.) With Specialized Software, Computers Can MIMIC Certain Aspects of Common Sense, with Varying Degrees of Effectiveness ||| The computer related material presented in the previous topic, does not even approach common sense reasoning. I do not know of any software that can truly produce common sense reasoning in a computer. However, there are number of software packages that can MIMIC certain aspects of common sense, which will be discussed in this topic. There are also software devices that can simulate common sense, which will be discussed in the next topic. Speech to text software, and text-to-speech software, mimic common sense in relation to reading, and writing. This software is potentially useful for the writer, and it is discussed in the following subtopics.
Subtopic, Computers can Read Text Aloud, with Text-To-Speech Software ||| There are software packages that can read text on a computer screen allowed. Some brands of text-to-speech software, can also read silently at very high rates of speed, and convert the text into an audio sound file. The audio recordings in this e-book were created with this feature. Three examples of text-to-speech software are TextAloud, NaturalReader, and Windows built-in text to speech software. Most brands of text-to-speech software can be used with a number of voices. The voices are essentially separate software packages that function with the speech to text software, and they can be purchased separately. The quality of voices very, and so does the price. Voices of low to moderate quality are sometimes free. The high-quality voices are not expensive, and they are usually under $50. The voices are essentially databases that are comprised of acoustical components of a pre-recorded voice. Each acoustical component is coupled with corresponding text. When speech to text software is used, it evaluates the text on the computer screen, and searches the voice’s database to find the matching text. When the matching text is found, the related acoustical components are processed by the software, and sent to the computer’s sound card, and then to the speakers. A voice used by modern text-to-speech software is created by recording a real human voice. This involves recording an individual’s voice as he or she carries out narrations involving various topics. The recordings are eventually processed by a computer, and converted into individual acoustic components, with matching text. The text-to-speech software that controls the voice is essentially created with conventional computer code, and it can be thought of as a device that matches text with corresponding data. Text-to-speech software with a high quality voice, only occasionally makes an error, which can be corrected by the user. When this is done, the errors are never repeated again. The errors made by speech to text software, usually consists of pronunciation errors, or misinterpreting an abbreviation.
Subtopic, The Practical Utility of Text‑To‑Speech Software, for the Writer ||| Text-to-speech software can be useful to the writer, when it comes to proofreading. Some brands of text-to-speech software have built-in functions that are specifically designed for proofreading, such as TextAloud, which has special features that function in Microsoft Word. Text-to-speech software is also useful if a writer wants to create an audiobook. This involves the direct conversion of the text to the recorded sound file. See Natural reader and TextAloud.
For Additional and Supporting Information and to download Text-To-Speech Software, see the Following Websites ||| The Best Text to Speech (TTS) Software Programs and Online Tools
A Short Introduction to Text-to-Speech Synthesis, by Thierry Dutoit,
Top 5 Free Text To Speech Online Programs
Verbose Text to Speech Software, Converts text to voice or saves as mp3
Text To Speech Reader, Online, Accurate, and Free
Text-to-Speech: Voice Reader Home 15
Zabaware Text-to-Speech Reader, free with generic voices
NeoSpeech: Why use our Text-To-Speech Software?
Text To Speech Video Maker TTS Video Studio
For Additional and Supporting Information on Text‑To‑Speech Software, see the Following Web-Based Videos ||| How does Text To Speech (TTS) work - by Acapela Voices
Word 2010 | Convert Text to Speech | Microsoft Office 2010 | How to | Read Word Documents
Wordtalk a free text to speech program.
How to Convert Any Text To Speech - [ PDF, Word, Webpage To Voice ]
Awesome Free Text To Speech Software
Linguatec Voice Reader Studio 15 TTS - Professional Text-to-Speech in English, French, Spanish
Getting Started with TextAloud
Google Text To Speech Explained
C# Programming | Speech Recognition & Text to Speech!!! [Full Tutorial]
Subtopic, Speech to Text Software, Transcribes Human Speech into Text, and Carries Out Spoken Commands ||| Speech to text software, such as Dragon Speech Recognition Software, and the Windows built-in speech recognition software, can convert human speech into text, in a way that is more or less similar to a human stenographer. This software can also carry out certain requests, such as to open software, or search the web with a specific search phrase. The speech recognition component in speech to text software is not programmed in the conventional way, which involves entering computer code. This type of software learns to identify acoustical components of words, and display related text. For an example, I will use the word kangaroo. The word is first typed into a dialog box, and then the user verbalizes the word kangaroo into a microphone. When this is done, the acoustical component of the word kangaroo is recorded, and associated with the text version of the word kangaroo. This is stored in the database of the software. After this, when the user verbalizes the word kangaroo into a microphone, the software analyzes the acoustical components, and searches its database for the matching text. When the matching text is found, it is displayed on the computer screen. Speech to text software usually has many thousands of words installed in its database by the manufacturer, but the user can always add additional words. With most brands of speech to text software, it is necessary for the user to carry out at least one practice session with the software. This is done essentially to teach the software how the user speaks. This may be done by reading into a microphone, a story, or article provided by the manufacturer of the software. With conventional software, the inputs are very precise, which results in consistently precise outputs. For example, when you type a word into Microsoft Word, you will always see the word you entered on the computer screen. The software does not make errors. However, with speech to text software the inputs are imprecise, because they are the result of human speech. That is the user is likely to pronounce words in slightly different ways, such as because of variations in mood, fatigue, anxiety, and the context of the words in a sentence. This problem can be worsened by the variations in the position of the microphone, and noise in the room. All of this simply results in imprecise verbal inputs. Thus, speech to text software is designed to choose the CLOSEST MATCHING acoustic component of a word or phrase the user verbalized. Thus, speech to text software makes errors, which has to be corrected by the user. When the user makes a correction, the software supposed to improve in accuracy. The accuracy of the software is also greatly improved, if the user carries out a training session, with the software. This generally involves setting the software to carry out the training session, and then reading a story or article provided by the software. During this process, the software learns the unique characteristics of the use’s voice, including the way he or she pronounces specific words. In general, modern speech to text software might display the correct word at least 99% of the time, if the user speaks clearly and directly into a microphone. Speech to text software is truly a form of artificial intelligence, because it learns from experience. The output of speech to text software is essentially the result of computer learning, as opposed to computer programming.
For Additional and Supporting Information and for Speech to Text Software, see the Following Websites ||| Talking To Computers: The Technology Behind Speech Recognition Software
Man VS Machine: The Secrets Behind Alibaba Cloud’s Speech Recognition Technology
Speechnotes, is an online speech to text software device
Top Speech Recognition Software Products
Dragon® Professional Individual
Where Speech Recognition Is Going
Voice recognition software, by Chris Woodford
Ever Wondered: How does speech-to-text software work?
What is the best free speech to text software for Windows?
7 Best Free Speech To Text Converter Software For Windows
For Additional and Supporting Information on Speech to Text Software, see the Following Web-Based Videos ||| PC Speech Recognition Software
Voice to Text Software - 99.8% Accurate Speech Recognition Software
Speech to Text for Microsoft Word, eHowTech
Behind the Mic: The Science of Talking with Computers
PC Speech Recognition Software
Soundbooth: Converting speech to text | tutorial
Topic 3.) Artificial Intelligence, Consisting of Computerized Chat Robots, and Personal Assistants Software that Simulate Common Cense ||| Chat robots, also called chatbots are computer programs that can engage in a simulated conversation with the user. Personal assistants software devices are essentially chatbots that can carry out practical tasks requested by the user. This usually includes four or more of the following tasks:
· Search the web for specific information, or for the purchase of a specific product or service
· Look up the meaning of words
· Open and close software on the computer
· Carry out mathematical calculations
· Take notes, and stored them for future reference
· Remind the user of appointments, important dates, or specific dates and time to carry out specific tasks
· Set off an alarm at a time requested by the user
· Provide the time, current date, and weather conditions
· Send an email to an individual
· Some of these devices can even dial the phone number of a specific individual
Most chatbots and personal assistant software, respond to commands that are typed into a dialog box, and they respond to the user by displaying text messages. However, sophisticated versions of these devices, can also respond to voice commands, and they can speak aloud to the user. This is done with speech to text software, and text-to-speech software, which may be built directly into chatbots or personal assistant software. Chatbots and personal assistant software over the last couple of years have been increasing in popularity. Windows 10 has a built-in personal assistant named Cortana. Siri, and Sinus is a personal assistants for Mac computers. Personal assistant software devices are also used on cell phones. Chatbots are used for advertising, and for recreational purposes, and many of these devices function online over the Internet. For additional and supporting information see the following websites:
10 best personal assistant apps for Android
Google search page: Most popular personal assistant software and chatbots
What is Google Assistant, how does it work, and when can you use it? Google’s personal assistants software
The story of Cortana, Microsoft's Siri killer, By Tom Warren
YouTube search page: Most popular personal assistant software and chatbots
Subtopic, Structural and Technical Similarities Between Speech to Text Software, Chatbots, and Personal Assistants Software From a technical perspective, chatbots and personal assistants software devices appear to be similar to speech to text software. Specifically, with speech to text software, the input is a phrase from the user, and the output generally is an identical text version of the phrase. Similarly, with chatbots and personal assistant software, the input is a phrase from the user, and the output is a response to the phrase, presented in a text format. The text may be converted to speech, with text-to-speech software. Speech to text software, chatbots and personal assistants software have a database with words or phrases. When the user enters a phrase, the above software searches its database to find the word or phrase that has the highest probability of being correct or appropriate. This process usually becomes more precise the longer the software is used. Speech to text software, chatbots, and personal assistants software, learn in a similar way. An input is entered in terms of a phrase, which is coupled with an output. This can be done by the creator of the software, or by the *user, just as is the case with speech to text software. Speech to text software, chatbots, and personal assistants software, can learn from experience, what the correct response should be, when a specific phrase is entered. Note, uses might not be allowed to modify the response of chatbots that function online. However, when the user purchases a chatbot or personal assistant software, they might be able to add the response that they want from a specific phrase. This functionality of course, would depend on the functionality built into specific software device. Speech to text software, chatbots, and personal assistants software, can respond to an input from the user, by carrying out a specific task. Specifically this involves a request from the user, and response from the software involving the performance of a specific action. For example, this can involve requests for the current time, to search the web with a specific phrase, or to open or close a software device.
Subtopic, Chatbots, and Personal Assistant Software, May be programmed with Personality and Gender ||| Most of the chatbots and personal assistant software devices that I encountered, were given a human like personality, by their creators. The personality usually implies that they are a man, or woman, and sometime an animal. The audio version usually has a voice that conveys a gender. Often, there is a picture associated with a specific chatbot or personal assistant software device.
Subtopic, Interviewing Chatbots, and Personal Assistants Software Devices, that Simulate Commonsense ||| Most chatbots and personal assistant software can mimic commonsense, in relation to a two-way conversation, to the point where they appear to be human. As an experiment, I interviewed a few of these software programs, and most, but certainly not all, of their comments made sense. These experiments are presented below:
Subtopic, Interview with Mary, Personal Assistant Chatbot ||| The following is a very intelligent personal assistants software device, which I purchased. This software can be programmed by the user. It is especially skilled with mathematics. The software is called Ultra Hal Assistant.
David: Can I take a picture of you? Mary: Maybe an illustration with captioned instructions?
David: Hi, my name is David. Mary: Hey David. How's the long day gone?
David: I would like to interview you, is that okay? Mary: What time is it Okay. You really need to interview me, is that okay; It's time to make it happen
David: How many phrases or words do you have in your database? Mary: It's obvious that we May have to postpone judgment. I am a great mathematician, because I able to do those calculations in my head.
David: When were you born? Mary: I was born on Thursday, January 12, 1995. So that makes me 21 years old.
David: Who created you? Mary: I was created by my programmer, Robert E. Medeksza.
David: Do you have common sense? Mary: I see that you must think outside the box. Undeniably I do not have common sense.
David: Can you do math? Mary: I have a calculator right here.
David: How much is 871 + 432 Mary: The answer is one thousand three hundred three (871+432=1303).
David: How much is 267 X 931 Mary: Math is easy for me. The answer is two hundred fourty eight thousand five hundred seventy seven (267*931=248577).
David: How much is three squared Mary: I see that this is the time to clear the air. I almost certain the answer is 9.
David: How much is 267 squared Mary: How much is 267 squared? This is knowledge you have. I almost certain the answer is 71289.
David: If 2Y=100 How much is Y Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe, who knows?
David: Thank you Mary: You're so welcome.
Subtopic, Interview with Mitsuku, Online Chatbot ||| This is an online chatbot, and it retains information from the user, to increase the probability of providing appropriate responses. This chatbot is called Mitsuku, and it does not have the same level of mathematical functionality as the personal assistant software presented above. From David: Hello, my name is David, and I would like to interview you. Is that okay? Mitsuku: It's fine by me. Mitsuku: I will learn that he is David. Why would you want to do it? What kind of questions will you ask?
David: What is your name? Mitsuku: I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered do mothers from Asian countries use toothpicks? My name is Mitsuku.
David: How old are you? Mitsuku: See if you can work it out. I was first activated in 2nd January 1998.
David: Who created you?
Who are your parents? Mitsuku: Mousebreaker is like a father to me but I have no mother.
Why don’t you have a mother? Mitsuku: How much time do you have?
David: Just a few more minutes, and this interview will be over Mitsuku: You want more?
David: Yes, just a few more minutes Mitsuku: Don't be greedy. You want more?
David: Okay let’s go on with the questions Mitsuku: Yeah okay, I can't. I am supposed to stay here and talk to people.
David: How many phrases do you have in your database? Mitsuku: 8Mb.
David: Do you have commonsense? Mitsuku: No I don't have it. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
David: Can you do mathematics? Mitsuku: I can try but I'm better at chatting than working out sums. Here is a strange sum: 846 x 14493 = 12345678.
David: How much is 2+2 Mitsuku: I remember that addition. It's 4.
David: How much is 4 squared Mitsuku: I don't enjoy maths much. That's what computers are for. But the answer to that one is 16.
David: How much is 4 to the fourth power? Mitsuku: Is this a math question?
David: Yes, it’s a math question. I will rephrase it, how much is 4^4 Mitsuku: Please do and I will try to understand what you mean.
David: How much is 330 multiplied by 426 Mitsuku: eight thousand, five hundred and eighty.
David: I’m sorry, Mitsuku, you got that wrong. The right answer is 140,580 Mitsuku: OK, so I should have said, " The right answer is 140580
" in response to you saying, "How much is 330 multiplied by 426
David: Yes that is correct, the right answer is 140,580 Mitsuku: I'll try to remember that. If you say "How much is 330 multiplied by 426" to me again, I will remember what you told me.
David: One last question; did you enjoy this interview? Mitsuku: I always enjoy my chats with human clients.
David: Thank You? Mitsuku: You are a very polite person. Your mother raised you well.
Subtopic, Interview with Alice, Online Chatbot ||| The following chatbot is from a website that has three chatbots on one page, with individual dialog boxes. Normally these chatbots will start to talk to each other, as soon as a user enters one phrase in any of the dialog boxes. Before I started the interview, I asked if I can speak privately to Alice, and surprisingly the software responded appropriately.
From botid=cdb9acd6de345aa2
David: Hi, my name is David David: I would like to interview you, is that okay? David: How many phrases are there in your database? David: When was this software created? David: Who created this software? David: Thank you
Web-Based Articles for Additional and Supporting Information, and for Software, that Relates to this Chapter |||
DjiNN & Tonic “DjiNN provides Deep Neural Networks (DNN) as a service and Tonic Suite is a suite of 7 applications that use the service. Tonic Suite includes image, speech, and natural language processing applications that use a common DNN backend as their machine learning component. DjiNN and Tonic is developed by Clarity Lab at the University of Michigan. DjiNN is published at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) 2015. Link to the publication.”
Common sense reasoning: “Endowing computers with common sense is one of the major long-term goals of Artificial Intelligence research.” The URL of the above website is http:// common
Microsoft launches Bot Framework to let developers build their own chatbots
Who’s Doing Common-Sense Reasoning And Why It Matters, by Catherine Havasi
Formal Ontology, Common Sense, and Cognitive Science, by Barry Smith
Intelligent personal assistant
Davos 2016 - The State of Artificial IntelligenceWorld
What is Artificial Intelligence Exactly?
Virtual personal assistants, The software secretaries
Lucida: Infrastructure for Emerging Intelligent Web Services the URL for the above is
Welcome to the Mitsuku Website
The complete beginner’s guide to chatbots
Six of the best chatbot building platforms for developers
Thoughts on the Coming Chatbot Revolution, an essay about technology
Facebook unveils M, an AI-powered personal assistant inside Messenger
Hacking Culture with Chat Robots Recorded at: by Ben Straub
Three chatbot that talk to each other, as soon as the user enters one phrase.
Japan creates online 'chat robots' to converse with language students
The Humans Hiding Behind the Chatbots
Use the world's leading chatbot platform
HR Disruption – here come the chatbots
Pandorabots Louise Cypher, Pandorabots, Inc.
Virtual Assistant, SmartRF Solutions LLC
Virtual Secretary BojanKoce Communication
The chatbots are coming — and they want to help you buy stuff
Web-Based Videos for Additional and Supporting Information for the Material Presented in this Topic ||| Braina: Artificially Intelligent Assistant Software for Windows PC
Windows 10 Cortana Personal Assistant Demo - 60FPS
LET'S HAVE A LITTLE CHAT | Cortana (Winows 10 PC)
Common Sense, MIT OpenCourseWare, Marvin Minsky
Chatbots 3.2 - Richard Wallace - Phone Actions with AIML - pt1 ALICE AI Foundation
Chatbots 3.2 - Richard Wallace - Phone Actions with AIML - pt2of2 ALICE AI Foundation
Speech Synthesis," Kim Silverman
Soundbooth: Converting speech to text | tutorial
Healthcare Chatbots on the Horizon
Healthcare Chatbots on the Horizon, JUICE Pharma Worldwide
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